Friday, April 24, 2020

Sound & Mis en scene worksheet

Name: Preace Maxi K      M
Title of Extract:  Game of Thrones Period: 7

Just list what you observe, no explanation needed.
You may use the back if you see more then 10.


1. Incidental music

2. Ambient sound

3. Diegetic sound

4. Sound motif

5. Dialouge

6. Sound Bridge

7. Lack of sound

8. Non diegetic sound



Mis En Scene

1. Archaic setting

2. Solemn tone

3. City of grandeur

4. Open seas

5. Captivating setting

6. Noble bank

7. Medival costumes/ make up

8. Dark lighting

9. Pauses in scene which sort of created tension

10. visible anger in shots

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